School Meals
School Dinners
Our school aims to promote a balanced diet, inspiring young minds to make the right choices for the food they eat. The school has a salad cart to provide a range of options for the children's lunch. Vegetarians are catered for every day with a hot meal choice as well as a salad option. School dinners must be paid for in advance via ParentPay.
Please find a link below to the current school dinner menu - please note that the roast beef is now suitable for pupils who follow a halal diet:
FREE SCHOOL MEALS: ARE YOU MISSING OUT? Every year, we have a few children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) who miss out as an application has not been made. Hopefully, you have completed a FSM form and are already in the process of finding out if you are eligible. You may not realise that this application needs to be made each academic year your child is in school. This is particularly important for those children joining school for the first time. If you qualify for FSM, then the school also qualifies to receive £1,320 additional funding to further enhance your child's learning experience. For further information and the Croydon online application form, visit:
Alternatively, you are welcome to visit the School Office and complete a form with assistance from the staff.
Packed Lunches
Children can bring in their own packed lunch, but we ask parents/carers to help us to promote a healthy lifestyle by including food that maintains a balanced diet. Fizzy drinks and sweets are not permitted at Park Hill Junior School.
Break time snacks
Children are only permitted to eat fruit as a mid-morning snack.
Children can bring water to school which should be brought to school in clear plastic bottles. Class teachers may have different arrangements as to where they are kept in each room.